Monday, February 11, 2013

Color Blindness

This is a pretty neat simulator I discovered online.  It simulates what photographs look like to a person who is color blind.  I've had friends who were color blind and I would ask them what colors do they see and it was difficult for them to explain.  I think, eventually they get tired of trying to explain so they just say everything looks gray.

According to PetaPixel, a photography blog targeted at tech savvy photo enthusiasts, 1 in 12 men and 1 in 200 women are color blind.  There are three kinds of color blindness: Protanopia and Deuteranopia (both common forms of red-green color blindness) and Tritanopia (blue-yellow color blindness).  The website,, a design website, offers a converter that allows the user to upload a 1000 X 1000 pixel photograph to a color blindness perception.  It is a very intriguing look at how 4.5% of the population view images and life in general.

Here's my experiments with the program:

*All pictures were taking in my visit at a car show in Japan in 2007.

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